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I do not want to report to the police


Where can I find support?

If you have been affected by crime, you are entitled to support whether you report it to the police or not. 

You can access support 24/7 from Victim Support on 08 08 16 89 111 or at their website. Humberside and South Yorkshire - Victim Support.

The type of things you can get support with are;

  • Navigating the criminal justice system
  • Helping you talk to other organisations
  • Supporting you to deal with what’s happened
  • Talking to you about your safety
  • Giving you access to apps and websites and other resources and tools that might help
  • Answering your question, or finding someone who can

Some people speak to Victim Support once, some need a little more and the service is not time limited. It doesn’t matter when the crime happened, you can still access the service.

You can find out about more of the local support services commissioned by the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner by clicking here

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