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Personal Safety

Many crimes committed against people are opportunistic and can often be prevented with prior planning and awareness. This personal safety guidance is not designed to unduly worry, upset or shock but seeks to help you be fully prepared in order to reduce the chances of you becoming a victim of crime or to assist if a situation does occur.

You can find out more at the Secured by Design website here, and from Humberside Police’s website here.

Hollie Guard

Hollie Guard is a free personal safety app that can be downloaded onto any iOS or Android mobile phone within the UK.

If you ever feel threatened, you can send out an alert by either shaking your phone or pressing the tile icon button. Once you activate an alert, your location, along with video and audio evidence is automatically sent to your nominated emergency contacts. The app is widely used by victims of domestic abuse and/or stalking to help them feel safe and report incidents.

Further support if you feel at risk

In Humberside, you can ask our victim support services Victim Support or the Blue Door for access to Hollie Guard Extra a service where an alert response centre will monitor any alerts you trigger. This gives the additional peace of mind that a trained security expert will be monitoring your alert remotely. The security expert will be able to see your location in real-time as soon as an alert is activated and respond, which could include calling the emergency services on your behalf.

Preventing Vehicle Crime

There are some easy hints and tips to reduce the risk of your vehicle being stolen.

  • Ensure you close all the windows and lock all the doors.
  • Make sure any alarm system is working and used.
  • Consider fitting a tracker.
  • If you have CCTV, park your car where it is covered, and if possible, use a system that will alert you to any movement.
  • Consider using additional security such as a steering wheel lock
  • Leave your keys/fobs in a safe location.
  • If your car has keyless entry, use a faraday pouch to block the signal from the key.
  • If you can, park your car in a garage that is alarmed.
  • If you have gates, lock them with a Sold Secure closed shackle padlock.
  • Consider using bollards that can be fitted to your drive.
  • If your vehicle is parked on the street, attempt to park it where it can be seen and near street lights.

Preventing Property Crime

There are some easy hints and tips to reduce the risk of your home being broken into.

  • Most burglaries happen when there is nobody at home; by opportunists
  • Keep all your keys, including your car keys, out of sight and away from the letterbox, so a criminal cannot hook them through the letterbox.
  • Always keep valuables like phones, tablets or laptops out of sight from windows.
  • Install and use a burglar alarm.
  • In the evening, shut the curtains and leave lights on.
  • Keep ladders and tools stored away; don’t leave them outside where they could be used to break into your home.
  • Always lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house, even when you’re in the garden.

My Community Alert

Keep in touch with the local agencies who help to keep you safe by signing up to My Community Alert. 

My Community Alert is a free messaging system operated by Humberside Police, Humberside Fire & Rescue Service, and Humberside Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, giving you live information about incidents happening in your area.

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