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This can be a long process but help and support is available


What should I expect after reporting a crime?

The Police will conduct an initial investigation and then decide to investigate it or close it.

If the Police decide to close the case it means that there is not enough evidence to pursue it. This will be reviewed every time the Police receive new information about that crime. The case can always be reopened and further investigated.

If the crime is allocated to be investigated, then an Officer will be given your case to investigate. This Officer is known as the Officer in the case or OIC.

The Officer in the case will contact you and explain the process. This is a good opportunity for you to discuss any support you may require either from the Officer themselves or from another agency. The Officer in the case will agree with you your best means of contact and will agree how often you wish to be contacted or updated. The Police should update you whenever something important happens in the case such as a person being arrested or charged.

If someone has been charged that means that there is enough evidence to put the case before the court. If the alleged offender had been arrested they may be released on bail. Again, the Officer in the case will let you know this and provide you with any support you need. The level of support may vary and it may also depend on whether you know or live nearby to the alleged offender. The OIC may place some conditions on the bail that will serve to protect you.

In more complex cases the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) work with the police and offer early and ongoing advice about the investigation and how best to proceed in obtaining evidence. You can find out more about being a victim or witness at the CPS website.

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