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I want to make a report to the police


What should I expect when reporting a crime?

Reporting a crime to the police can be a difficult decision to make

In an emergency, where someone is in danger or a crime in in progress, please call 999 and ask for the Police.

If it’s not an emergency please call 101 or visit a local police station. you can find your local police station's address and opening times on Humberside Police's website. You can come with a friend or relative to support you.

If you have access to a computer you can also report an incident online here.

If you have been a Victim or a Witness to a crime it is important you call the Police as soon as possible.

It is very important you tell the police everything you can remember about the incident or crime.

If you contact the Police by telephone you will speak to someone in the Force Control Room who will record everything you tell them. An ‘Occurrence’ will be recorded. This used to be called a Crime Report. The Force Control Room will explain the process and assist you with any support you may need.

The Occurrence will be passed to the Police's  Crime Management Unit who will conduct an initial investigation and then assess who is best placed to investigate it further if applicable.

After you have reported a crime the Police will send you a letter or ring you within a few days to give you a reference number. An Officer will introduce themselves and speak with you about the investigation and explain what is going to happen.

Humberside Police will pass your details over to Victim Support who are the provider of victim services in this area unless you request that they do not. Victim Support will then make contact with you in one of a variety of ways which include a text or phone call to discuss support.

To find out how your data is held and shared, please see Humberside Police's Data Privacy notice or Victim Support's data privacy page.

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